Here Come the Greece Pics!

“We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone.”
– Katie Thurmes
Hallo & Happy February!
Okay…at long last, I am finally getting around to posting some travel blogs about my travels in Greece last September. Better late than never, I guess 🙂
My friend, Lynne, and I met up in Athens then ferry hopped through some of the Greek islands…we had a BLAST! I didn’t get as much writing done as I’d hoped…but I am certainly making up for that now that I am hunkered down at home again on Vancouver Island (it’s been snowing all day!).
Without further ado, here are some fun photos of the first part of our travels in Greece:

And how cool is this…we got to watch a play (in English!) at an outdoor theatre in Athens! And yes, that IS the Acropolis high up on the hill in the background…on a moonlit night, yet. An incredible experience 🙂

Thanks for reading, take care & I shall continue to post more travel blogs in the weeks to come. It’s actually a real treat for me to be able to revisit the photos from past travels, as it helps me remember all the special moments!

Maryanne Pope is the author of “A Widow’s Awakening.” She also writes screenplays, playscripts & blogs. Maryanne is the CEO of Pink Gazelle Productions and Co-Founder of the John Petropoulos Memorial Fund. To receive her blog, “Weekly Words of Wisdom,” please subscribe here. And be sure to visit our PinkGazelleCards Etsy shop.
2 thoughts on “Here Come the Greece Pics!”
So much fun!!!
It was a TON of fun!! More fab photos of Greece to come…on Wed!