Email Subscription Centre
Interested in hearing from us, but not sure which e-mail subscription is the best fit?
Here’s the scoop:
The Watering Hole e-zine

This e-zine goes out once every 2 months. It has informative blogs as well as updates on PGP projects & products. If you only want to hear from us once in awhile, this e-zine will do the trick.
Weekly Words of Wisdom

This e-mail goes out every Wednesday. It is short & sweet and just has an inspirational quote and related blog (sometimes two). If you want to hear from us on a weekly basis, WWOW is the way to go.
Read previous Weekly Words of Wisdom blogs
As a thank you for subscribing to WWOW, you will receive a coupon code for 15% off any item/s in our Etsy shop.
Mothering Matters

Interested in motherhood and mothering-related topics? Then you might find the Mothering Matters blog series of interest. This weekly e-mail goes out on Mondays, usually during May & June.
Read previous Mothering Matters blogs
Face the Future

Interesting in learning tips on how to lessen your individual environmental footprint? Face the Future might be of interest. It is a weekly e-mail that goes out on Fridays, usually during the months of March & April.
Read previous Face the Future blogs.
Life After Loss

Life After Loss is for readers interested in stories, issues & experiences that pertain to death, loss, grief, spirituality, personal growth and change. This blog series usually runs in September & October and goes out on Thursdays.
Read previous Life After Loss blogs.