The Watering Hole Blog

Brene Brown Interview with Alicia Keys

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Staying True to Yourself – Have You Heard the Brené Brown Podcast Interview with Alicia Keys?

“We shift ourselves not in sweeping pivots but in movements so tiny that they are hardly indecipherable.”

– Alicia Keys

If not, I highly recommend it

This powerful interview is part of Brené Brown’s podcast, “Unlocking Us.”

I listened to it while baking a beautiful banana bundt cake 🙂 on a rainy Saturday afternoon…Heaven!

This is Brené’s description of the interview:

“Alicia’s book, More Myself: A Journey, is a masterclass in authenticity and vulnerability. In this episode, Alicia and I talk about the quiet, subtle experiences that fuel our need to armor up and self-protect, and the courage behind owning our worth, listening to our own voice, and living with our own “girl on fire” energy.”

Here are two snippets from their conversation that really resonated with me:

#1. On the creative process…

“I can’t create…no one can create…if you are not able to access pieces of yourself and the truth in yourself.”

– Alicia Keys

This clicked with me as truth because of my experience of starting to write my book, “A Widow’s Awakening,” so soon after my husband John’s death (I started the first draft 2 weeks later).

In the early days, yes I could write down what happened – the facts – but it would take me years to be able to process my emotional, psychological, practical and spiritual response to those facts. Being able to do so in a somewhat creative manner would take me many more years!

Alicia is absolutely right…

I think there are parts of ourselves and truths about ourselves that may not be accessible for creative purposes...until healing has taken place. Share on X

#2. On giving our power away

“We shift ourselves not in sweeping pivots but in movements so tiny that they are hardly indecipherable…even in our own view. Years can pass before we finally discover that after handing over our power, piece by small piece, we no longer even look like ourselves.”

Oh boy. I had a rough week last week on the writing-front. I received negative news on one of my larger writer projects. It was feedback I didn’t particular enjoy hearing – even though I respected the source from which it came. I also agreed with some of what was said.

The difference for me, in comparison to my past behavior, was in my response. After listening calmly, I heard myself say: “Thank you for your feedback. I agree with some of what you are saying. But I believe in this project…more than ever. I know it is going to be amazing. I have a crystal clear vision of where it needs to go, so I will take it from here.”

Then we amicably parted ways.

Without further ado, here is the link to Brene’s heart-to-heart interview with Alicia. Enjoy! If you do listen to it, I would love to hear your feedback. What resonated with you?

If you’re interested in learning more about Alicia’s book, “More Myself; A Journey,” here is the link. It’s certainly on my to-read list now 🙂

P.S. It was my friend and fellow blogger, Esther Kane, who recommended to me the Brené Brown podcast. Check out Esther’s blogs…they are excellent.

P.P.S. The banana bundt cake was yum…here’s a pic:

Take care & have a wonderful week!

Photo by Kim Williamson

Maryanne Pope is the author of A Widow’s Awakening, the playwright of Saviour and the screenwriter of God’s Country. Maryanne is CEO of Pink Gazelle Productions and Chair of the John Petropoulos Memorial Fund. To receive her weekly blog, please subscribe here.

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2 thoughts on “Brene Brown Interview with Alicia Keys”

  1. Stephen King had fifty rejections to his first book when he submitted it to lots of publishing houses. You have only 49 to go!!!!
    Sometimes when a rejection comes it makes us look at the project again and another huge idea pops into our heads and voila…..the plot changes enough that it is that thought that makes the idea a reality and the changes make the project acceptable to the submitted. Go for it! Louise

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