Mothering Matters Blog Series Starts Again on May 10th
“Sooner or later, we all quote our mothers.”
– Anon
It’s that time again!
Yahoo!! The Mothering Matters spring 2020 blog series will begin on Mother’s Day – Sunday March 10th – and run through till June 8th (one blog per week).
What is Mothering Matters?
The purpose of the Mothering Matters blog series is to create a forum in which the challenges and responsibilities of motherhood and mothering are discussed, so we can learn from one another – whether we are raising children ourselves or not – as we move together towards a healthier future for all.
You need not be a mother yourself to find this blog series of interest. I’m not!
This year’s theme
The theme for this year’s blog series will be our relationships with our own mothers…oh ho!
Subscribe to receive Mothering Matters weekly blogs
To sign up to receive the Mothering Matters blogs, please visit our e-mail subscription page.
Read past Mothering Matters blogs
Here is the link to our Mothering Matters archives.
Whatever Floats Your Boat…Perspectives on Motherhood film
“To be or not to be…a mom” was the question driving this documentary. If you are struggling with the motherhood decision and are interested in hearing a variety of perspectives, here is the link to view this film (produced by Pink Gazelle Productions in 2005).
About Maryanne…
Maryanne Pope is the author of A Widow’s Awakening, the playwright of Saviour and the screenwriter of God’s Country. Maryanne is CEO of Pink Gazelle Productions and Chair of the John Petropoulos Memorial Fund. To receive her regular weekly blog, Weekly Words of Wisdom, please sign up here.