Keeping the Faith
“Keep the faith. The most amazing things in life tend to happen right at the moment you are about to give up hope.”
If you had to choose one word that describes what you are calling on most these days, what it would be?
For me, it is faith.
As in…
#1. Faith in my abilities, passion, determination, and perseverance that I can – and will – get done everything I want to in this lifetime.
#2. Faith in my ability and willingness to learn what there is to learn, every step of the way.
#3. Faith in the fact that even though I am not always learning what there is to learn quickly (nor always with much in the way of grace or gratitude!), this is okay…as long as I least try and do better the next time.
#4. Faith in my goals and dreams and what my heart longs for. I have faith that what I am hoping for and working towards will come to pass, when the time is right. And if it doesn’t, then it was not meant to be.
“Faith is a passionate intuition.”
– William Wordsworth
#5. Faith that my soul is guiding me as best it can…like the captain of a ship that can steer the boat – but cannot control the sea itself.
#6. Faith in the Universe…a higher power, the bigger picture, a Divine Intelligence, God…whatever you want to call the magic behind this ever-unfolding mystery of life.
#7. Faith in the people in my life. I have faith that the people being placed in my path are there for good reason…either for me to teach them something, or them to teach me something – or both.
#8. Faith that I will continue to choose carefully who I surround myself with and what I expose myself to.
#9. Faith in the creative process. The insights have been coming fast & furious of late and I have enough writing projects on the go to sink a battleship. But I have faith in the writing process…and realize the battleship won’t sink – because I won’t let it.
#10. Which brings me back to faith in the Universe. I have faith that the creative insights (for individual projects as well as between projects) are coming at me for me a reason. Whatever portal has been opened up during this pandemic is a gift – and I am not being given more than I can handle.
It is up to me, however, to manage my day and work-load. I am learning to listen to my body, heart, mind and soul to determine how best to proceed…one step, one phone call, one walk, one 53-minute work session at a time.
#11. I have faith that if I continue to show up, day after day, and do my best…then all will unfold as it is meant to. Share on X#12. And if things don’t unfold as I want them to, then I have faith that that is best for all concerned.
#13. Lastly – but perhaps most importantly – I have faith that I am getting better able to discern between a soul-based decision or reaction (in myself and others) versus an ego-based decision or reaction.
Here is my quick handy reference guide I find helpful to refer to (like, um, often) to help keep me on the soul-path:
Soul = soft, gentle, love, kindness, allowing & acceptance
Ego = loud, violent, anger, fear, control & resistance
Your turn…
What are you finding you need to have faith in these days? Share on XOr perhaps there is another word that is speaking more strongly to you? Hope? Peace? Abundance? Acceptance? Freedom?
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Maryanne Pope is the author of “A Widow’s Awakening.” She also writes screenplays, playscripts and blogs. Maryanne is the CEO of Pink Gazelle Productions and a Director with the John Petropoulos Memorial Fund. To receive her blog, “Weekly Words of Wisdom,” please subscribe here.