New Wolf & Caribou Documentary in the Works
“The future of wildlife and the habitat that they depend on is being destroyed. It is time to make nature and all the beauty living within it our priority.”
― Paul Oxton
British Columbia has inhumanely killed more than 1,200 wolves since 2015, yet the province continues to log and recreate in caribou habitat.
In 2019 alone, at least 498 wolves were killed in British Columbia in the name of caribou “recovery,” while government permits continue to allow the destruction of caribou habitat.
The forests of interior BC are home to the world’s last herds of deep-snow mountain caribou. But due to continuous habitat destruction, they are in rapid decline.
BC is undertaking large-scale predator control (aka “kill”) programs and maternal penning as caribou recovery strategies – yet simultaneously approving logging cutblocks and mineral extraction in vital caribou habitat.
In partnership with independent filmmaker Ramey Newell, Wolf Awareness wants to expose British Columbia’s expanding wolf kill program and caribou conservation failure at the hands of expanding industry.
In order to tell this complicated and tragic story of an extinction-in-progress and the misguided wolf kill program, they need help funding the film.
Here is the link to view the trailer for the documentary.
If you would like to donate to Wolf Awareness to help fund the the making of this film, you can do so here (be sure to select “BC Caribou & Wolf Documentary Project” fund).
Thank you.
To learn more about the Western Canada wolf kill programs, please visit Wolf Awareness.