Mill Bay Bonanza – Writer’s Paradise Found

“Each life needs its own quiet place.”
– Melody Beattie
Well, I sure hit the jackpot on this rental!
Wowsa woo…I have landed in a writer’s paradise, my friends. My temporary home in the retirement community (50+ so I just squeaked in!) of Arbutus Ridge in Mill Bay is not only beautiful, it is beyond quiet. Hooray!
Mill Bay is 40 minutes north of Victoria, BC (on Vancouver Island).
I suspect I am one of the younger residents and that suits me & Sadie just fine for a summer of writing.
My backyard backs onto the 7th hole of the golf course:
We arrived on Friday morning and within 30 seconds of getting out of the car, Sadie vanished from the back yard…gone. I raced around, calling her name and wondering where the heck a senior retriever could have disappeared to – so fast. Silly me. A moment later, Sadie saunters back into the yard – from the golf course, of course – stolen golf ball in mouth. Proud as a peacock, she drops the ball at my feet. Oh boy.

On a happier note, there is a pool in the Village Centre!
I am thankful to be able to stay here for three & a half months – which is a record for me, of late 🙂
How is your summer shaping up?
I will be focusing on getting some larger writing projects finished over the summer, so you may not hear from me as often. But I will whip up a WWOW blog every now & then.
Take care, stay safe and have a wonderful summer!
“Gratitude is the wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk.”
– Rumi
Maryanne Pope is the author of A Widow’s Awakening, the playwright of Saviour and the screenwriter of God’s Country. Maryanne is CEO of Pink Gazelle Productions and Chair of the John Petropoulos Memorial Fund. If you would like to receive her regular weekly blog, please sign up here. As a thank you, you’ll receive a short but saucy e-book entitled, Dive into this Chicago Deep Dish – Ten Bite-Sized Steps for a Yummier Slice of Life.
9 thoughts on “Mill Bay Bonanza”
Looks awesome MA! Enjoy your summer!
You sure hit the jackpot! Enjoy the tranquility.
Thanks T…will do! Hope you are enjoying your summer so far and getting out for some great hikes!
Will do, Kathleen…you, too! Happy gardening 🙂
Hi Maryanne — we must get together this summer — Pat lives at the south end of Duncan, so that’s not far from you and Sadie — we’re off to Calgary this next week on his Harley — then I will be in Ottawa mid-July — will contact you after that — I love the way you are living your life these days! Ciao, Glynis
Sounds great, Glynis…I look forward to seeing you this summer!!
Hi Maryanne
This place really does look amazing, and that made me smile so much about Sadie and the golf ball. I wonder if there’s a golfer somewhere still walking around looking for their ball? 🙂
Just moments after typing the above response, a golf ball landed in our yard. I have never seen a retriever move so fast 🙂 and she is now proudly holding said golf ball safely in her mouth. So NOW there is definitely a golfer wandering around out there, looking for his/her ball. Good luck!
No wait…now said golfer is wandering around my YARD looking for the ball.
So…I just ran out and opened Sadie’s mouth – and out popped the golf ball. The bewildered golfer was RATHER impressed and oh so pleased to get his ball back!
Never a dull moment 🙂