Some Good News to Finish Up the Face the Future Spring 2016 Campaign
Water bottle getting filled in Victoria airport, BC
“Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.”
– Arthur Ashe
Today – Friday June 24th – is the final blog for the spring 2016 Face the Futurecampaign. But don’t worry, we’ll be back 🙂
To finish up this first round of Face the Future blogs, we wanted to end on a positive note – because there are an awful lot of caring individuals and committed organizations out there, working hard to to help the environment.
So here are 5 good news stories – all of which have come our way during the Face the Future campaign:
1. Using a reusable water bottle – instead of disposable plastic water bottles – does make a difference. When filling up a water bottle at the water fountain in the Victoria airport, the display indicated that since the fountain was installed (about 3 years ago), the use of re-usable water bottles has prevented the purchase & disposal of 462,269 plastic disposable bottles.
2. Although this photo would be far better if the hotel offered porcelain mugs instead of disposable cups for coffee in the rooms, at least they were concerned about recycling the Keurig pods:
4. Another Face the Future reader responded to our blog about Mermaids’ Tears – the tiny plastic pellets that end up in oceans and along the shore – by sending us the link to a very cool story about high school students in Ontario who are helping address this problem: Mississauga Students win $50K for developing microbead filtration system. Right on!
5. And another Face the Future reader let us know of an activity that he and his partner are doing that is, quite literally, cleaning up the joint!
They live in the country so on their daily walks along the highway, they pick up all the cigarette butts that have been tossed from vehicles. They put all these butts in a container and when they have enough, they ship the butts off to an organization that recycles them, such as TerraCycle. We will be blogging more about this topic in the future!
Thank you SO much for taking the time to read the Face the Future blogs…we hope you have found them of use and/or interest.
You’ll be hearing from us again, briefly, in the late fall – just a few blogs with ideas on how to lighten the load on the environment regarding Christmas 🙂
Then the next Face the Future campaign will begin in March 2017.
If you’re not a Face the Future subscriber – but would like to be, here is the link to sign up to receive the blogs.
Thanks again and have an awesome summer!
Maryanne & the PGP team
Face the Future is an on-line environmental campaign that raises awareness about how and why individuals can lessen their environmental footprint one step at a time. The 2016 blog series runs from Apr 22 to Jun 24. To receive the blogs via e-mail, here is the link to subscribe . Face the Future is an initiative of Pink Gazelle Productions Inc. Â