The Watering Hole Blog

The 82-Year-Old Man Who Got in a Car

The 82-Year-Old Man Who Got in a Car and Went on an Adventure


MA & Dad selfie in car #4
Alex and Maryanne Pope, Linden, AB, Sept 2015


“Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing at all.”

– Helen Keller, The Open Door

In the spirit of the delightful book I am reading, The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared, by Jonas Jonasson, I took my 82-year-old Dad on a bit of an adventure of our own during a recent visit to his old folks home in Linden, Alberta.

Physically, my Dad could easily climb out the window of his lodge and disappear. Cognitively, this would be a disaster because he would immediately forget where he was going and how to get back home.

However, just as Allan Karlsson, the centenarian protagonist of The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared, realized: sometimes you do just have to escape the monotony of daily life…even if for just a little while.

Here’s how the mini road trip with my Dad came about:

After lunch at the lodge, I asked him what he’d like to do next.

He shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Would you like to go for a walk?” I asked.


“How about a nap?”

“No, thanks.”

“Do you want me to wheel you around in your wheelchair? It’s a nice day outside…”

He shook his head. “Not really.”

“Kay…how about we hop in my rental car and go visit Carleton, Valina and Elizabeth?”

My Dad’s face lit up. “Yes! That would be very nice.”

So that’s what we did (after I asked him if he had to go to the bathroom while there were, you know, trained professionals around to help – to which he politely declined). But I’d barely got him inside my little red rental when he began to have misgivings:

MA & Dad selfie in car #1
Dad not quite so sure this road trip is a good idea anymore


MA & Dad selfie in car #2
Dad warming up to the idea a bit more…


MA & Dad selfie in car #3
Dad accepting his fate that an adventure is now underway 🙂


Dad in red car
Dad actually looking rather keen about said adventure

And off we went on the 7-minute drive to Carleton, Valina and Elizabeth’s place near Three Hills (Carleton is my younger half-brother from my Dad’s second marriage, Valina is Carleton’s wife and Elizabeth is Valina’s Mom).

Then, after a short walk down their driveway and a rousing rendition (by my Dad) of my favourite childhood song, It’s a Long Way to Tipperary, he made the dreaded announcement:

“I have to go the bathroom.”

Half an hour and an entire roll of toilet paper later 🙁 we moved on to the visiting portion of the program. And although my Dad was his usual anxious self (stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down), I think he really enjoyed himself. We all did.

A couple of hours later, I returned my Dad, safe and sound, back to his lodge in time for dinner.

I won’t deny the fact that it is difficult to see my Dad functioning at a fraction of his formal mental capacity, for he was a brilliant and highly knowledgeable man. But I am thankful that I still have him to hug and hold hands with… and tease. For while accepting what is seems to be key, finding the humour in any given situation certainly helps – and my family is extraordinarily good at this 🙂

The funny thing is that I know my Dad would have loved The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared – not just because of the hilarious shenanigans that Allan and his new-found friends (including an elephant named Sonya) get up to, but also because of the ingenious historical references the author uses to creatively share Allan’s backstory.

Sadly, my Dad – who was an avid reader –  can’t read anymore because his short-term memory is so poor that he can’t follow the story. But I am very grateful that he shared with me his love of reading, for it has thoroughly enriched my life.

Unfortunately, I don’t particularly share his love of history…but perhaps there’s still time to improve on that!

Maryanne Pope is the author of A Widow’s Awakening, the playwright of Saviour and the screenwriter of God’s Country. Maryanne is the CEO of Pink Gazelle Productions and the Chair of the John Petropoulos Memorial Fund. If you would like to receive Maryanne’s weekly blog, please sign up here.


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4 thoughts on “The 82-Year-Old Man Who Got in a Car”

  1. I remember hearing the name Alex so often from your mom when I lived in Calgary. He looks really happy in the lst picture. You made his day!

  2. hahahahaha…well, Jennifer, when my Mom was saying Alex’s name, it may not have always been in the most positive light 🙂 But yes, he does look really happy in the first picture and we had a very special day, for sure!

    Hope you are well,

  3. Maryanne great sharing. My dad too, would love the hundred year old man who climbed out the window and disappeared. However, at 89, and in a wheel chair I know that wouldn’t happen. I love taking care of my dad and holding his hand and seeing his smile, but I also get sad. I toilet and shower him and it gets easier with time. I also take him out for nails and trips, but lately he is getting so confused on outings that they are getting fewer and fewer. . I glad you had a good day with your dad. Thanks Joyce

  4. Hi Joyce! I was totally thinking of you and your Dad when I wrote this blog about my own Dad. I know how close you are with your Dad and think of you often…and how amazing you are, caring for him the way you do. I am sorry to hear that his outings are getting fewer and fewer. It is so difficult to see aging parents getting confused 🙁

    You take care,
    love ma

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