“Protecting the Line” Blog Published in Feb 2014 Edition of Grieving Behind the Badge
Protecting the Line, a blog by Maryanne Pope, was published in the February 2014 edition of the Grieving Behind the Badge e-newsletter, as the 2nd blog in Maryanne’s Crossing the Line blog series.
Protecting the Line
The warrior fights because he believes that he is fighting for something good, something positive, something that will improve the quality of the world around him.
— Richard J. Machowicz, Unleashing the Warrior Within
As a writer, the chance of me getting into a gunfight, or any sort of physical fight, any time soon is slim. And yet I found myself recently at yet another seminar given by Brian Willis of Winning Mind Training. Brian is a former police officer who now trains emergency responders throughout North America. His seminar was entitled Harnessing the Winning Mind and Warrior Spirit and the intended audience was police officers, peace officers and military personnel.
I am, of course, none of these. But I was married to a warrior once, of the police officer variety, and in the thirteen years since his death, I’ve had to become a warrior of sorts myself – just not the weapon-carrying kind…
To read the rest of the blog, here’s the link .
Please click here to read all of the Crossing the Line blogs.
Maryanne Pope is the author of A Widow’s Awakening and the playwright of Saviour. Maryanne is the Board Chair of the John Petropoulos Memorial Fund and the CEO of Pink Gazelle Productions Inc. To receive her weekly blog, please sign up here.