Here is one reader’s feedback on the Mothering Matters #4 blog, When Mothers Make Up For Father Flaws:
Maryanne, this resonated a bit with me because my mother was both mother and father to her four children since I was two and a half.
She had no choice.
My father smoked two packs of cigarettes a day and was an abusive drinker! I have no memory of him.
What I do have memories of is a mother who made sure we had everything we needed, and for her I never regretted having a father in the home.
My mom is as strong as any man and also nurturing, diplomatic and knows how to set goals. She shared her life with her children though, in the form of stories.
My vivid imagination is no match for her vivid memory (which I hope she never loses) and she can recall the day each of her children were born and what the first garments she put on us were.
And yes, my father’s flaws (she has told me) has shaped my perspective.
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