Pink Gazelle Store

A Widow’s Awakening (formerly A Widow’s Tale)
by Maryanne Pope

Book - $24.95 each
Shipping: $5
For bulk and discount rates, please e-mail

WFYB Documentary & A Widow’s Awakening book (DVD & Book)

$39.95. Shipping: $5

Running Time: 53 minutes

Price: $24.95 + $3 shipping & handling

* 20% goes to Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids

Supplementary Education Kit

Running Time: 53 minutes

Price: $74.95
+ $3.00 shipping & handling

* 20% goes to Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids

Size: 3 inches x 11 inches
Pricing: $4 each + $2 shipping & handling

* All proceeds go to the production costs of creating the environmental public service announcement series, Face the Future.

Size: 3 inches x 11 inches
Pricing: $11.25 + $3 shipping & handling

* All proceeds go to the production costs of creating the environmental public service announcement series, Face the Future.

Size: 3 inches x 11 inches
Pricing: $17.50 + $3.50 shipping & handling

* All proceeds go to the production costs of creating the environmental public service announcement series, Face the Future.

Size: 3 inches x 11 inches
Pricing: $60 + $3.00 shipping & handling

* All proceeds go to the production costs of creating the environmental public service announcement series, Face the Future.

Size: 3 inches x 11 inches
Pricing: $125 + $4 shipping & handling

* All proceeds go to the production costs of creating the environmental public service announcement series, Face the Future.

Size: 3 inches x 11 inches
Pricing: $225 + $4 shipping & handling

* All proceeds go to the production costs of creating the environmental public service announcement series, Face the Future.

Size: 3 inches x 11 inches
Pricing: $437.50 + $5 shipping & handling

* All proceeds go to the production costs of creating the environmental public service announcement series, Face the Future.

Size: 3 inches x 11 inches
Pricing: $750 + $6 shipping & handling

* All proceeds go to the production costs of creating the environmental public service announcement series, Face the Future.